I’m not sure about you, but 90% of my gifts come from clothes and toys I see trusted people using over on social media. While I limit my scrolling to get good sleep, I still admit that is definitely where I find things these days. Social media is the Sears catalog of 2023. Ask someone who grew up in the years between 1933 and 2011, and you might find that your fondest memories of the holidays were making your wish list from the catalog. So let’s make this post one that brings you back to those days!
Whether you’re prepping a turkey or in the home stretch of days before Christmas this gift guide can give you some fun ideas for kids of all ages. Let’s fill the tree with more than coal in the stockings or plastic toys that will end up in the landfill by the new year.
I’ve included 3 items age category that can help your family get into a good sleep routine for the new year. In addition to listing the items below, I’ll let you know what the evidence says about each sleepy time gift.
Gifts for babies
Hatch Rest Go sound machine– To date, we know that many people don’t sleep well in pure silence. While there are not extensive studies comparing different types of noise (for example comparing one type of white noise versus another type of noise like “pink noise”), we have learned that in the hospital setting those who slept with the white noise machine were hardly disturbed by the hospital sounds, while sleep arousals were frequent among those who slept without white noise ( Michael L.StanchinaMuhannedAbu-HijlehBilal K.ChaudhryCarol C.CarlisleRichard P.Millman, 2005).

Baby oil– Infant massage has numerous health benefits for parents and baby. The results of nine studies (systematic review) provided data that suggest that infant massage can improve mother‐infant interaction, sleep and relaxation, reduced crying and a beneficial impact on a number of hormones controlling stress (Underdown A, Barlow J, Chung V, Stewart‐Brown S., 2006).
Kyte baby sleep sack– bamboo sleep sacks are great because they are warm for winter, but also great for babies with eczema because it is soft, breathable material, is more absorbent than cotton, highly effective at regulating temperature .
Gifts for toddlers
Bedtime books– I love these takes on Good Night Moon! They have them for most major cities and my kids love seeing all the places around town. Research tells us that when children have positive interactions with books, they are developing good feelings about reading, which will motivate them to continue seeking out books and other literacy materials as they grow.
Hatch toddler clock – The toddler clock can help to decrease bedtime and nap time resistance PLUS help with setting boundaries for early morning awakenings. Children often start to understand colors in this way by around 18 months! Learn more in my video below how to start using a toddler clock in your home.

Gifts for quiet time
Magna tiles– Now that my kids are 5 and 7 years and I look back on the best toys that truly keep them entertained and last years, Magna tiles are absolutely #1. They play for hours on end and use so much imagination.
The Zenimal – Our favorite way to meditate right now is with our the zenimal because it’s screen free and empowers independence (which is ideal during quiet time). Get yours today here using code: nestedsleep
Sticker book– We have been loving these sticker books for quiet time and on the go travel this year! And positive is that stickers are much easier clean up than markers and paint 🙂
Need more info on how to set up quiet time for your child? Read my blog or listen to the podcast on the benefits and how to’s!
Gifts for Mama

Sleeping bra for nursing– Any new mama would thank you for this gift! Those first few months of nursing at night are long and hard. Anything to make it easier is much appreciated. These particular ones are super soft and make nighttime feedings just a little bit better! Increased breastfeeding in combination with safe sleep practices will reduce infant mortality and morbidity (AAP, 2016).
Eye mask– Darkness helps most people sleep. We are biologically set to sleep at night once the sun has set. I know I totally needed a sleep mask days when I worked night shifts as a nurse! Recent evidence even shows that exposure to small amounts of nighttime light increases depression risk. If you do need to nap or sleep during the daylight hours I recommend using eye masks (adults only) ( Kenji Obayashi, Keigo Saeki, Norio Kurumatani, 2017) .
Hatch Restore Meditation Clock– I have this clock and I’m obsessed!! I especially love the sunrise alarm feature (a much better way to wake in the morning compared to a loud beeping sound). The night time meditations are a great addition to the bedtime routine too. My review over on you tube here!
Happy Holidays my friends! I hope those trees are filled with things that will help your whole family sleep well this holiday season.

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