Spring is more than just time changes and sunny days. Spring can be a time for cleaning, organizing, and a reset into a new season. That’s why I’m excited to introduce Karen Windholz, owner and creator of Sort Toss Repeat, a professional organizing firm in Northern Virginia that helps clients create beautiful and functional organizational systems that are life-changing. Thank’s Karen for writing about how we can organize a child’s bedroom for sleep success!

Guest blog post by Karen Windholz of Sort Toss Repeat
What if I told you that organizing your child’s bedroom can be the answer to sleep success? What if an organizational system is what you needed this whole time? A system that gives you mental and physical clarity to have the time and freedom to do the things that matter the most. But you are feeling stuck by all the toys, books, clothes, and just too much clutter in your child’s bedroom.
In this blog post, I’m going to guide you through a proven organizational method that will help you declutter and organize your child’s bedroom once and for all. My name is Karen Windholz and I’m the owner and creator of Sort Toss Repeat, a professional organizing firm in Northern Virginia that helps clients create beautiful and functional organizational systems that are life-changing.
We are going to dive into the made-to-organized method which has helped hundreds of clients declutter and organize their homes, including my own. I’m a girl mom of two and I totally understand the overwhelming amount of stuff that comes with having kids. Just like you, I was drowning in clutter, spending too much time cleaning and organizing until I followed these steps to get organized for good.
The Pre-work
When deciding to make a change to create a more cozy and relaxing environment in your child’s bedroom mindset is everything to achieve your goal. Set your intention and be very specific on how you want the room to feel and look. Imagine easy night-time routines, all-night sleep, and a happy child in the morning. A decluttering and organizing mindset with absolutely zero guilt of letting go of things that are no longer needed in your child’s bedroom will help you achieve sleep success.
Step 1: Clear + Sort
This is the messy work of the made-to-organized method, you will take everything out of the room, and while you are doing that sort items by categories for example: books, shoes, clothes, toys, outgrown clothes, hand-me-downs, trash, artwork, stuffed animals, blankets, gifts, etc. Ask yourself: what’s my inventory capacity in this room? If you are feeling overwhelmed, it’s an indication that you have too much but don’t feel guilty, this is part of the process of achieving a curated and beautiful room for your child.

Step 2: Make Decisions + Toss
We have come to the hard work once the room is empty and things have been sorted, now it’s time to make decisions about what will stay in the room and the things that will be tossed. I know this could be hard for some and maybe easy for others, but while we can’t control many things in this world there is one thing we can for sure control and that is the clutter in the home. Declutter, donate, purge, re-gift, sell, and let go of the things that are no longer needed. You are in control of the outcome of your child’s room, clutter is distracting and an obstacle to your child’s sleep success. Less distraction equals better sleep.
Step 3: Contain, Label + Repeat
The fun work of organizing is often the step many people like to jump into when they start an organizing project and while it might seem exciting to buy all the organizational products on Amazon, we must follow the first 2 steps for an organizational system to last. Remember that containers are a boundary, once the bin or container is full, it’s time to edit and declutter. In children’s rooms, I like to keep books for nighttime reading and minimal toys if possible. Create zones according to your needs and lifestyle, if your child is still in diapers make sure those are accessible. Labels are the key to a successful organization system because you and your child will know where things go back. I like using picture labels for little kids and word labels once they start learning the alphabet, it’s a great way to practice both organizing and reading. The organizational systems have to be easy for kids to help clean up and easy for parents to maintain.
More toys, more distractions
Less toys, less mess
Decluttering and organizing are skills and a lifestyle worth the investment, for you as a parent and for your child’s success. Prioritize keeping your child’s bedroom decluttered and organized for better sleep this Spring and beyond!

As your professional organizer, my goal is to guide, encourage, and educate you on how to achieve your home organization goals, needs, and style. Time is so valuable and outsourcing your home organization will be the best investment you could ever make. Zero judgment, only a beautiful and organized home to come to.
Karen Windholz is the founder and creator of Sort Toss Repeat. She is ready to help you start your organizing journey! She is passionate about helping others create and live an organized lifestyle. You can contact her at karen@sorttossrepeat.com to schedule your complimentary consultation today!