This will be the first year we are taking the kids to see fireworks! They are 6 and 8 years old and up until now we had to prioritize sleep for our little ones. I wanted to take the opportunity to share with you the ways you can enjoy 4th of July festivities no matter how old your little ones are! In this blog you’ll see tips such as sleep schedules, blocking out noise, how to take a day trip, overnight travels, PLUS how to get back on track if sleep becomes disrupted.

Staying at home
Being home for 4th of July can be so fun, especially for parents of babies and young kids because you likely aren’t doing the big fireworks shows yet.
Some fun activities to do as a young family are:
- Family BBQs
- Popsicle making , we love this yogurt popsicle recipe!
- Make a red, white, and blue pouring station. Love busy toddler’s setup here
- Ice painting, just freeze some colored ice cubes overnight then color some 4th of July masterpieces
When you are doing these activities remember the 80/20 rule! Basically it means stick to your schedule 80% of the time, but 20% of the time you can shift things around. So no, you don’t have to be on schedule all day everyday, but when you have a routine and schedule then you can always lean back into this down the road when the festivities are over.
4th of July Travel
AAA projects a record 60.6 million people will travel by car over Independence Day week in 2024! If you’ll be one of them you may want to plan out naps and sleep schedules along the way.
If you have a baby on multiple naps then it truly doesn’t matter when you hit the road because they likely will take a short nap in the car. Aim to take breaks if the trip is > 2 hours and learn more about car seat safety and sleep here.

If your baby is on two naps a day and you don’t plan on driving more than an hour or two then it’s actually best to have the first nap at home if you can because that nap is often the most restorative. The second nap can be on your drive back or at your destination.
If your baby is on one nap a day then it’s best to make the drive early in the day while they are awake and in a good mood. Swing through Starbucks and then enjoy a nice day and head home after a late lunch and they can have their afternoon nap a little later in the car.
Watching the fireworks safely
Your little ones hearing is priceless and that’s why when you do decide to watch fireworks you don’t need to be right in front of fireworks being set off! According to the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), Professional fireworks shows are going to be more spectacular, and safer, than backyard fireworks. Enjoy them at a safe distance, at least 500 feet away from the fireworks launch site. This will help avoid injuries and protect your child’s hearing ( AAP, 2024).
Compared to adults, children may be more vulnerable to noise effects because they are growing and developing. Therefore consider bring earmuffs for young kids or kids with special sensitivities to noise. I know I’ll definitely be packing two pairs for our kiddos since this is their first time listening to fireworks and I’m not sure how they will respond- I like to be an over-prepared mama haha.
Getting back on track after the holiday
Typically later bedtimes can mean more fragmented or broken up sleep and sometimes early morning awakenings. So after your vacation or holiday it is important to get back onto a routine. Often this is a good time to re-explore what normal sleep looks like for your child, if you aren’t sure check out my schedule guide here!
Getting back on track can sometimes be as easy as putting your baby or child to sleep at their typical schedule. Other times they are overtired, jet-lagged, or used to sharing a room with parents for a week or more! When these things are at play then a reset is needed. This comes up often with my clients so this year I decided to create a post travel reset guide to get your kiddo back on track. It has all the tips you need for how to get back to smooth bedtimes and later mornings with your baby or child.
And don’t worry if you need more 1:1 support your sleep bestie is always by your side- book a free 15 minute discovery call with me to figure out the action steps we need to do to get back on track.